Though the players are not born and bred Singaporeans, it still brings us glory by the fact that they were trained in Singapore and represents the nation's fledging sporting development. I bet the paddlers feel the best in setting a grand final with the country that did not believe in them. They may not even make it into the national team in China, but Singapore's training has made them into highly-ranked world class players. That is why I always say it does not matter that they are not born here, they are still great Singaporean players.
Seeing the Singapore flag being waved in the stands makes me proud. Come Sunday I hope to see it being raised high up as our national anthem gets played. I may not sing the anthem or say the pledge every morning, but I have to say years of brainwashing and propaganda have had its effect on me. Given the choice, I would not trade my Singaporean citizenship for anything, even though I would not mind staying in and exploring the rest of the world.
I love my country and I am proud of it.
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