
Sunday, August 23, 2009


This is an add-on later. I thought I only spent 10 minutes, I blogged for an hour. Like how can time pass so fast! Like, what the hell.....

This is another of those incoherent and ranting blogs, that I have churned out in the past 10 minutes or so. Don't read it.

I started this blog some years ago, hoping to share my life with my friends.

Then I started hoping that someone out there, preferably a stranger, or strangers, would read it. I hope that more so than my friends. Why? Because I am an attention seeker who can't handle the attention. What better way than to have a bunch of strangers give it to you since you are never ever going to see them.

But I would still like my friends to read SOME of the posts. It's a good way to keep each other updated on our lives since we can't always see each other. But in truth, only so many people read this blog. Still, you are important enough for me to keep it.

Then, there's the other problem. There are some things that I want to say that I sometimes find difficult to tell my friends to their face. But if I write it here, I kind of hope that they won't read it. Why? Because seriously, over the blog? What ever happened to courtesy, in the face and sincerity?

But, it's difficult. I may be 26, but I am very much just an over-grown adolescent. Not something that makes me mightily attractive, I know. More like loser with a capital L.

In addition, some things are better left unsaid. More than once, in fact many times, I have said too much. But I don't like to hold it in. But I cannot let it out. Honesty is the best policy, in case you don't know, that's motto number 4. But, as I grow up, I realised that that is applicable only in an alternative realm called my mind. In reality, honesty will get me into trouble. If it doesn't, it will still spoil a lot of things.

But you see, I am still an adolescent, so I tend to screw up a lot. So I tend to shoot my mouth off too, figuratively if not literally, like right here. I have no idea which of these posts will work against me, but I don't really want to take them down, even when I have thought of what might happen.

There, I've said it. I am a glutton for shit to happen. I just silently hope that they will have the desired effect of setting me free and setting things straight, positively.

Post-script: Like you know how employers are really good at looking up their employees' posts and how many teachers have gotten into trouble over blogs? I don't think I have written anything truly incriminating but you know, things are subjective. I might get hauled off to some tribunal right tomorrow.

Still I choose to ramble on and on. Like isn't this 'asking for it?' Get what I mean?

Post postscript: You read it.

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