
Sunday, February 03, 2013

Build Back and Bis

Today is Wk 1 Day 3 on the schedule for Body Beast. In truth it was Wk 1 Day 6. So far I have managed to work on keeping to my schedule every other day.

As with P90X, I found it hard to work out every day as required by the program. So the next best thing I could do was to space it out with 1 day in between.

After three days of Body Beast, I do agree with Tyler Robbins's review that Body Beast is wanting in terms of warm-up. One of the things I liked about P90X is that it takes care of your body. The warm-up in P90X itself took around 10 minutes. Because of that I feel that it was really designed to minimise injury. In addition, the warm was not focused on static stretching, which has been found to cause muscle weakness prior to exercising but also muscle imbalances, but instead it was focused on dynamic stretching that brings me through the range of motion required for the exercise or just getting blood pumped into the muscles.

One thing I do like about the Body Beast workout, though, is that it is short. Or at least shorter than the P90X workouts. Average length so far for the first three workout is about 40 minutes. I glanced through some of the other workouts on the programs and saw some that go for only 30 minutes. This ranks high in motivating me to press play.

When I was doing P90X, I sometimes hesitated because by the time I finished work and had dinner, it would be around 8. Letting my dinner settle before I plunged headfirst into a workout, I usually waited around 1.5 hours. That makes the beginning of my workout at 930. By the time I finished it would have been almost 11. A tad late in my opinion, and that does not include allowing myself to cool down, take in some post-workout food and clean up.

With Body Beast at half the time, the exponential effect is that I could get ready for bed by 11.

With that said, it doesn't make the Body Beast workout any less hard. Today's Build Back and Bis routine saw me sweat buckets. I had to keep wiping my hands and the stability ball just to make sure that I was working safely.

Now, I am definitely looking forward to sore arms tomorrow.

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