
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hooker and hookee

There exists in this world a certain type of relationship: that of the hooker and the hookee.

No, we're not talking about prostitutes here. These terms are, according to the latest HIMYM episode, given to those who are liminal in their love affair.

The hooker is essentially the one who keeps the other party, a.k.a the hookee, strung along in a non-existent relationship. For the hooker, the hookee is the person that is not the right person but good to have around. In return, the hookee harbours hope of perhaps one day being together, though it usually never happens.

Through no participation of yours, I've been hooked for a long while. For some reason, I thought I might stand a chance, or not. It seems I'm a voluntary hookee. I can't explain why you attract me so but you just do.

The funny thing is I can't find a time when you even dropped a hook; there wasn't a time when you even remotely projected an image of possibility, but I am hooked nonetheless. How weird is that?

1 comment:

Dan said...

Your blog post totally sounds wrong. Consult me for advice.