
Thursday, October 23, 2008


The 54th NCC Officer Course has begun! Here's to three weeks of leadership and military training.

I saw Eunice there and it was a pleasant surprise as we all know, I am not good with new friends. One of the coursemates commented that I had been putting up a stern face for a large part of the day till I saw Anglican cadets. I had to defend myself with the "smiling with no good reason makes me look crazy" argument.

Daniel is also going to re-join the course. So that makes 2 friends to tide over these 3 weeks, how nice. However, due to his disdain and fear for motorbikes, I'm going to join him on the public transport for the whole of the the course! I don't take public transports. Sharing with strangers is not one of my forte. Still, I'm too nice to decline.

So rejoice commoners! You have the honour of my company for the next three weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

not good with new people?! you are pretty outgoing when we first met what. haa. anyway, i think i am throwing your dates on tuesday. turning mouldy