
Friday, February 13, 2009


Last month a kid from the class I taught during contract teaching texted me. He asked if and when I am going back to teach them.

I told him I don't know. My course is 1 year but I might not go back to the same school. He replied dejectedly saying that by the time I go back, if I do, he would have graduated. I told him that if he studies hard enough, he can get transferred to 4NA. In that case I might get to teach him in his last year.

He replied positively and without hesitation that he will do his best. Still he doubted his chances, attributing to the lack of good teachers. I assured him that the teachers are good and rebutted him in saying that it is his own responsibility to do well. If the teachers can't help him then he should help himself.

Surprisingly he responded well to that too. So we had an agreement; if he truly tries his best for the 'N' Levels, I will try my best to go back to teach him again.

I am glad. At least one is inspired.

1 comment:

jen said...

:) that is why we are in this line.