
Friday, November 28, 2008

Singapore Zoo

I went to the Singapore Zoo yesterday.

The last time I did that was I think 15 years ago. 15 years is a long time. The only memory I have of the last visit was monkeys running away with my packet of tidbit.

It was quite interesting to visit the zoo after so long. There were many things to see. Best of all, it's free. MOE corporate pass, I like.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Regrets, I've had my due.

I wish I could say they were few.

And everything was okay,

Because I did it my way.

A Day to Remember

On the second Sunday of every November, we celebrate Remembrance Day at Kranji War Memorial. In 25 years of my life, after countless history lessons about the war, I never knew this.

This year, I had the opportunity to be there. It was a day to remember. Early morning on the 8th of November, I was there in my army fatigue. It rained. It was an incredible feeling. What I arrived, everything felt so right, yet so wrong.

There were many people, mainly families of those that fell. The band played, giving the whole place an unmatched sense of poignancy. Raindrops felt like tears.

I didn't experience the war. Many present did, even more didn't. I dare not claim that I could understand how they felt. I could only guess - how I should feel. What captivated me more was the place. Everything just resonated, eventhough I did know what. Maybe it was the lush green field and the rows after rows of tombstones. Maybe it was the names inscribed on the walls. Maybe it was the occasion.

All I know for sure is, it made me not want to leave, and to want to come back next year.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Technological Advantage

This is the M16. The version we use in Singapore is slightly different. I have been trained to use it since I was 13. It started when I first joined the NCC and continued when I was enlisted into National Service. Despite all the training and getting all the basics right, I was never a good shot.

This all changed with the SAR21. This is a rifle designed and manufactured in Singapore, if memory serves me right. For old-school trained people like me, the initial handling and familiarisation was not easy. In terms of ease of use and handling, the general consensus I got was that the M16 was a tad better.

This perception did not change although I did find something that the SAR21 is better at. I used the SAR21 during the Novelty Shoot at the NCC Annual Shooting Competition. Amazingly, I got all my targets. Using the scope built into the SAR21, aiming and shooting became so easy. I got the silver award only because I was slightly slower than the winner. All these from me, who used to barely pass my shooting tests.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Running resumes

I finally got myself to run again yesterday. Sometimes it's just difficult to make myself put on that pair of running shoes and get my butt out of the house.

It's hard to clock the distance. My original plan was to progressive increase the distance. The first 10Km was a breeze. Exceeded that on the second or third run. After that however, it was a steep curve. Every time it felt like we covered some good distance, it always turned out to be around 10KM still.

Like yesterday when we took a new turn and run towards Lagoon Food Centre before turning back towards Bedok, we only added 1KM to the total distance! According to the distance calculator, all that running only covered 11.408KM.

All these only make the final run on 7th Dec the more daunting. If we keep having problems running 15 20 KM, how the hell will we make 42.195?

Russell Peters

Russell Peters came to Singapore! I didn't go and now I regretted it. He has to be my favourite Indian.

This video that I embedded is one of the shows that he did and the one that made me his fan. I have watched it many times and I still laugh at it every time. Support Russell Peters!

Return of the V

Sorry the picture is only half of the poster. It's suppose to read "The Return of the V". It was a hybrid between a play and a stand-up comedy I think. Not really sure what it was. All I know is that it was really funny.

From what I could gather, this latest installation by Fly Entertainment was a sequel to last year's "V Conference", which was about vaginas. This year's V was instead about Villians and Victims. Issues tackled included TT Durai and the NKF fiasco, rising cost of livings, homosexuality, among others.

Right from the beginning, Irene Ang came out spouting Hokkien saying, "Wa Si Guan Yin Ma." For ah bengs like me from working class background and not "jia kandang" one, it was hilarious! Poor Eunice was trying to make heads and tails of what she was saying. So sorry I had thought that it was something "ang moh".

Other than that little technical issue, I really thought that it was a funny show. Of course there were some cliches here and there but still, the fact that it was in Hokkien made it funny. Sadly, Hokkien could not escape its fate of being the crude language, as it was also because of that that it was comical.

In the end I really did enjoy myself. The fact that Tiger went out at $5 plus a mug made things even better!


The 54th NCC Officer Cadet Course has come to an end. 79 Cadets successfully completed the course and were commissioned as officers of the National Cadet Corps. From 14th November onwards, these 79 officers, including a Major, a Captain, several Lieutenants, and many Second Lieutenants, will carry on their shoulders the burden of grooming future leaders of the Corps and possibly the Nation.

These three and a half weeks were a fun-filled time of meeting new friends, bonding, and learning. Some things were useful, some things were not. All in all, the leadership and coaching courses that we went through were not as good as the real thing as demonstrated by some of the coaches, Course WOs and officers. Talk about leadership by example.

I finally got my chocolate bar. It's been 6 years and 5 months since I first stepped into OCS in June '02. Though it's not SINGAPURA, NCC will suffice for now.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Ho Chi Minh City

Yes! I just bought tickets for Ho Chi Minh City.

My Hardwired Report

I just did a psychological test of some kind. Anyone interested to know me better?

Preferred Style

Jobs you prefer

You enjoy jobs and activities that require attention to detail and a sense of urgency. For you, keeping information or things organized can be most satisfying, especially if your efforts lead to short-term results and rewards.

Jobs you find least rewarding

Wee Loon, you may become frustrated with jobs that constantly change without notice and fail to identify clear goals. Since accuracy is important to you, delegating to others can be challenging, especially if you’re responsible for the quality of their work.

You may also dislike jobs and activities where you’re not allowed to work independently and where your personal success is dependent on the actions of others.


You were socialized as a child to think that people should follow the rules yet be open-minded, and communicate with a friendly, reserved style. These became your Expectations of how people should act and communicate, and they apply equally to your personal and work life.

You’ll feel these Expectations most when someone starts a conversation with you. If their communication style meets what you expect, you tend to listen. If not, you may stop listening or even get defensive – for example, if I am too direct or discourage your questions.

You may also become frustrated with people who regularly cut you off before you’re finished speaking. Doesn’t this communication approach frustrate everyone? Well, no. Some people actually prefer it. What would work better for you is being given information ahead of time and being encouraged to ask questions in open discussions.

Managing your Expectations

Wee Loon, you can’t control how people communicate with you but you can take charge of how it affects you. Remember that Expectations are not necessarily the same as needs. Don’t let what you think you “ought to do” override what you actually need.

People who are too impatient to listen and avoid group discussions will most often be the ones whose approach you like least. Let them know their communication style doesn’t work for you, and what does. Unless you tell them, they won’t know.

Instinctive Needs

Your Instinctive Needs

Wee Loon, you instinctively need to achieve understanding and organize thoughts before moving forward. For you, having a sound strategic plan is essential to your confidence and feeling of security. You identify more with people who avoid risk by thinking before they act.

Understanding instinctive differences

The Instinctive Needs graph affects business relationships more than any other dimension of your HardWiring DiagramTM. Since only 25% of people will instinctively understand what you need it’s easy for misunderstandings to occur.

Instinctively, you feel that encouraging people to slow things down and think through the implications will make them feel better, since that’s what works for you. For people who are wired differently, your efforts to show commitment may be seen as obstructing their progress. This is especially true for those who are more extroverted and instinctively keep things moving.

You may also assume that people have your same ability to pick up unspoken signals and therefore respond to what you need without you having to ask. For some, no news is good news and if you don’t tell them you have a problem they won’t know. In the absence of knowing how to deal with the people closest to us we turn to our own instincts for direction. Remember, 75% of the time our instincts will give us the wrong information. The goal to real personal growth is learning to give others what they need without giving up what you need in the process.

Becoming more effective at work

In the workplace, you have a strategic focus and an instinctive nature that thinks before you act. Not everyone needs as much information as you do before taking action. Since you instinctively evaluate the risks up front you may judge others for acting without thinking. They may feel you procrastinate. This right and wrong game is a no-win resolution.

Learning to show respect for people with different needs, along with having a clear understanding of your own, will allow you access to opportunities that would otherwise pass you by. For example, your risk averse, strategic nature may dismiss a tactical can-do approach as being too dicey, but being open minded to colleagues who take this approach can lead to better results as both your long-term and their short-term perspectives are factored into business decisions.

Beautiful people

If birds of the same feathers do flock together, then I must be a gorgeous person. :)

Sorry for the self-delusion, since I just realised I have not one, but two friends who are in the running for Female Magazine's 50 Gorgeous People. OK, one is and one was.

Littleboy is in the running for this year's contest. Great picture by the way. :) And while I was googling around, I came across last year's competition and found out that Esther was in the running.

How lucky am I to know so many beautiful people. Please vote for contestant no. 27.