
Monday, January 19, 2004

So dangerous

This morning on my way to work I almost killed 3 people. Me, my sister and this fucking old man that tried to cross the road... Nothing wrong with him being old, trying to cross the road or jaywalking... But that he suddenly turned back after crossing halfway... RIGHT into my path!!!!! It took milliseconds... and pure instinct for me to avoid hitting him... This is the first time that I brake so hard that my tires screech... Luckily the road was dry... If not I can imagine all 3 of us lying in hospital now...

It is also the first time that I stayed back in camp to work... How much of it is actually work?? Hell knows... But I actually reached home at 9 plus... And I was all wet... Also don't know why I was so stupid not to put on my raincoat when I had 1 just in the box... By the time I reached home... I was cold, wet, tired, hungry and downright miserable... Arranging to have dinner delivered, I took a nice warm shower and felt like calling The Girl... Took a little mustering of my courage but I managed to make myself pick up the phone... So nervous... Too bad she never pick up...Not meant to be...

Friday, January 16, 2004

5 months and 7 days to ORD!!!

This past month or so is almost the busiest of my NS days... other then those spent in Commandos and OCS... The rest of my NS days were mostly spent eating, sleeping, playing games and whatever... I know I had a relatively good NS live compared to many of my peers... But this clerical shit is really killing me... I know I know... I said that I was open to new things and take them as opportunities to acquire new skills... and I did... But seriously, I am not meant for clerical jobs... I guess this is helping me shape what I want in the future...

Since the last blog, I have been reading a book on etiquettes... This is not the first time I read such a book... But it doesn't seem to help... I wonder if it's because I can't be bothered... or I really have problems remembering what I read... I am also watching 流星花园... The Taiwanese version... Actually my sis is watching it... Just watching along... Everytime I watch a romantic show I wish I am experiencing the same thing... Don't know what's my problem... It probably isn't really much of a big deal that i have not had a serious relationship before, albeit that many people think I do( do I really look like I do?)... But I always think that the things couples do together... It's nice... I want to experience it...

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Brand New Year, Brand New Try...

OK... The year is 2004 and here I am in the wee hours trying to blog... This ain't my first try but the first isn't worth mentioning. Whatever I wrote I think I deleted... I think... Anyway I hope I can figure out how to use this bloody thing correctly and blog more often... Though I think most probably there's no one interested to read about what I have to say...