
Thursday, May 13, 2004

A Bike Is Like A Girlfriend

I actually had this theory in my mind for quite a while. The resemblence between a motorbike and a girfriend is really quite uncanny.

Your bike is there when you are happy or sad, together you take to the road and feel the wind in your hair. Makes you feel pretty alright after a session together.

You can ride to the beach and just sit there silently and enjoy each other's company. Nothing needs to be said. Just the sound of the waves and the feeling of sand and wind.

You take on heavy traffic together like you take on obstacles in your relationship. Be it in heavy monsoon rain or scorching mid-day sun.

Like all relationships, there's bound to be quarrels and fights. People get hurt. When things aren't going so well with your bike, accidents happen and people still get hurt.

As a gentleman, you pay for all your expenses out on a date. When you have a little more cash in your wallet, you take it out more often,giving it the best treats like good old V-power and feed it well. When you don't have the dough, you stay at home or give it lower grade petrol like formula 98.

Just like when you bring your girfriend to a posh restaurant for a special dinner or having take-outs at home on some nights. Or sometimes to JB to have cheap yet good food.

When you have a beautiful girlfriend or bike, you sometimes want to bring it out and show her/it to your friends and just indulge in the praises and compliments.

Occasionally, when the bike is dirty, you bring it to the cleaners or spend some quality time at home giving it a good wash. Helps to get rid of all the stress in life. You do that to your girlfriend too, by pampering her with a trip to the spa or just nice time in the bathtub at home.

Once in a while you'll like to buy her a nice necklace or bracelet. Once in a while you want to add a nice sticker or logo to your bike.

When the bike is damaged, you worry. You bring it to the mechanics and makes sure that it is well taken care of. When your girlfriend is sick, you bring her to the doctor and makes sure she is well taken care of too.

Like most men, it's inevitable that you ogle at pretty girls on the streets or compliment on how nice some girls looked. But deep down inside you know that it's your girl that you really love, your girl that you really want to be with. You just cannot help but to drool at the R1 that just zoomed down the streets.

Sometimes bikes, like girlfriends, can be a liability, or a motivation. When you are sick and tired of your job, you will still want to work hard and find money because you know that there's instalments and bills to pay.

Some people rush to get a bike, like they rush into relationships. Without first understanding what they want, or checking out the market. What happens is that they get the wrong bike and then realise it's not compatible.

Then there are those that change bikes like they change their girlfriends. They are seen with a different bike/person at every other social event.

Everybody wishes that their bike can run faster, look fiercer. Every men wish that their girlfriend had bigger boobs or a slimer waist. If they can afford it, they'll probably pay for their girlfriends to go for surgery. At her consent of course. That's the only thing. Your bike can't refuse to have the exhaust or caburetter changed.

No matter how pretty your girlfriend is, you always fantasize about being with that drop-dead gorgeous actress on TV. No matter how good your bike is, you'll always fantasize about riding that R1 or Hayabusa you saw at the showroom.

After you get used to riding a bike, you can't do without it. You no longer want to take the bus or the train anymore. You now like the fact that you are with somebody. No longer having to be like the rest, still swimming in the pool of crowded cabins. Knowing that you'll always have a seat and nobody fight with you over it.

Bus and train rides will now be a novelty. Something fresh once in a blue moon. Like that little fling you had with that girl you meet in the club. Nothing serious, no commitment involved. Just something to remind you how much you love your bike.

Of course sometimes, after a while, you just feel jaded. Like there's no more excitement being together. No amount of wind in your hair can lift your spirits anymore. That is the sign that it's time to change a new machine. That is also the sign that you have outgrown your feelings and maybe a break will be good for the both of you.

Last but not least, a good quality lubricant always makes things better.