
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

More Than Just A Bad Hair Day

As you can see, I am really not a fan of blogging... It's been more than 2 months since my last blog... 1 of the reasons is probably me being too lazy to find out how it works... Alll I know is to add new posts... So if any fated person sees this and can tell me more ways to make my blog site nicer... Such as adding music or what... Please let me know... You can find me using the various methods listed at the side...

So here I go again... Bitching about how bad another day is...

First... I almost lost my camp pass this morning on my way to work... It scared the hell out of me when I touch my pass-holder and not feel that piece of plastic... 1st thing that came to mind was "Holy Shit!!!! I'm gonna go DB even if that bitch don't charge me!!!" Oh... That was about a week earlier when my officer a.k.a bitch( I'm not the only one to call her that... In fact I'm just following suit) threaten to charge me for screwing up some PB shit... Luckily... I managed to recover it(my pass) after a little bit of searching...

Then... I got stressed out when my officer ask me for the assignment that she gave me last week... On that note... I haven't finish it and I can see tomorrow's gonna be hell for me...

".. .got bills to pay, my head just feels in pain, i missed the bus and there'll be hell today, i'm late for work again and even if i'm there, they'll all imply that i might not last the day..."
- Dido, Thank you

Of course... I don't take the bus... I ride... Other than that assignment... I have 1 that I did completed... But it ain't any good because... I SCREWED UP... as usual... Of course not that I meant to do it... It just happened... Kinda sad isn't it... Looks like I can't do anything right nowadays... Self-confidence level nowadays is zilch... Where is the "I am the best" kind of feeling... I miss you so much...

I hate to be the 1 that screws up... Nobody does... But it is really taking its toll on me now... I feel so bad that I took 2 ciggies straight... Last time I did that was way back... Where is the "take is easy... Everything's cool" me... I miss him too...

After all that... I got called into my Boss's office... Of course I'm not the only one... She called the whole team in... That would include Brennen and Nic... She's nice... She reasons more... Unlike someone else... But what she said wasn't pleasing to the ear still... That she was rattling about how disappointed she was with what happened over the past week(see above)... And also how we lacked teamwork and commitment... And that we being so experienced(Me and Brennen being CPLs... which is also the highest rank for a clerk)... Can make so much mistakes...

On that... I think she's a little mistaken... In fact... We were posted to WOSA even later than her... Experienced... MY ASS... I was nowhere near being a clerk before this... I wanted to make this clear to her... But I figured this is not the right time...

After trying to do as much as possible to salvage my work... I finally realised that nothing more can be done for the day... so at 1904h... I headed home... After my usual dose of 封神榜 and 寻秦记... I sat down... Switched on my computer... Checked my email... Yeah! NUS replied... I was getting worried as more of my friends received their notification from NUS to go for their medical checkup for admission... I've got none... And the mail... TO MY HORROR!!!! Told me that my place in NUS is for admission in 2005-2006!!! OH MY GOD!!! That is almost the worst thing that can happened!!! Fortunately it seems... That I still have a chance to do something about it...

So that basically sums up how lousy my life is now... The worst being that I don't even know how to end this... Which should have been a piece of cake... I did get an A2 for GP...